Unfortunately, SeaSAFER project has come to an end at Lithuania on the last 23rd and 24th of March 2023. Divided in 2 consecutive days, the partners had the opportunity to follow up all the tasks and do the final adjustments required for the project´s success. The first day on the 23rd, was dedicated to the Final Conference presentation to the maritime community, with a panel constituted by the projects´ teams targeting a project´s global overview and understanding.
At LMA´s auditorium premises, the main points that have been developed by partners were introduced, allowing the audience to have a clear view of what was the project´s development till its final result. In firsthand the project´s global view and objectives, were presented by Maritime Innovators, in hand of his representative Mr. Ugurcan, whereas IDEC from Greece in hand of Mr. Aris Chronopoulos focused his presentation on how marine investigation courses and assessment of past accidents, can be used as a tool to improve safety. From Portugal, ENIDH´s representative, Professor Tiago Carrelo, briefly explained what were the methods and methodologies that have been used for scenario development, followed by a presentation from Romania Naval Academy conducted by Mr. Alexandru Cotorcea, emphasizing within the Scenario Development, what was the approach for development of content and assessment review.
Regarding Quality Assurance and Control for Piloting and Accreditation, the presentation was conducted by partners from Bulgaria NVNA, on the hand of Professor Yordan Sivkov. Lithuanian Maritime Academy / LMA, was the responsible for an online demonstration of the SeaSAFER platform introducing as an example, an accident case that took place at their homeport of Klaipeda. The approach of Professor Arvydas Jankauskas from LMA, with his case demonstration, was very interest and effective showing the tool´s final result, where the work developed was globally recognized by all the audience in what we considered to be very positive feedback.
Ending the Conference, a Panel Discussion was conducted by all partners focusing on the challenges and opportunities that exist in the training of seafarers to ensure the safety of navigation. The discussion was very interest with several inputs regarding safety. Safety´s definition and how is overlooked individually by each partner on their own approach as a method of knowledge transfer at their institutions, was one of the most interest discussions within the panel.