AT Virtual Final Capitalization Event will be hosted by the project leader, CEEI Asturias, together with all the European partners, agents and companies involved in the process of implementation of technological solutions to identified technological challenges from Maritime Safety Training Centers (MSTCs) in the Atlantic Area. During the event the best tools and methodologies to accelerate digitalization processes through the introduction of the industry 4.0 enabling technologies (IoT, Big Data / Data Analytics and Vision Technologies) will be presented, thus allowing to improve capacity, preparation and response in maritime emergency
operations. Furthermore, it will be an extraordinary opportunity to learn from European experts working in the open innovation and digitalization strategies and policies.
09:30 Reception of attendees
10:00 Welcome and opening of the capitalization event
Regional Authorities
Cristina Fanjul. CEEI Asturias. AT Virtual Lead Partner
AT Virtual Project & Results
10:30 AT Virtual development and main deliverables: platform for Open Innovation
Cristina Fanjul. CEEI Asturias. AT Virtual Lead Partner
11:00 Fast-track pitch presentations from digital enablers in AT Virtual & Visit the Demo Stage
PibiCo Compañía de Inteligencia de Negocio y Control SL. Asturias, Spain. IOT
UpIntelligence. Asturias, Spain. Big Data / Analytics
Koinsys, SL. Asturias, Spain. Big Data / Analytics
Virtual Tour Media. Irland. Vision Technologies
Inklusion Entertainment. Portugal. Vision Technologies
Azai Solutions. Asturias, Spain. Vision Technologies
11:30 Demo Stage & Coffee Break
11:45 The Action Plan on the Digitalization: conclusions and challenges to solve
Eneko Álvarez. Tecnalia Foundation. Partner Responsible of WP4 Diagnosis
12:15 The implementation process for the i4.0 selected solutions
Covadonga Suárez. SASEMAR-Centro Jovellanos. Responsible of WP6 Prototyping & Implementation
International know-how based on technological solutions implemented
12:45 IOT Panel
Mike Griew. National Maritime College Ireland (MTU). Ireland, MSTC
Francisco Aláez. PibiCo Compañía de Inteligencia de Negocio y Control SL. Spain, Startup
Rui Miranda. Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN). Portugal, BIC
13:15 Demo Stage & Networking Lunch
14:30 Big Data / Analytics Panel
Juan Carlos Fdez. Salinas. SASEMAR-Centro Jovellanos. Spain, MSTC
Jorge Blanco. UpIntelligence. Asturias, Spain, Startup
Eileen Moloney. CorkBIC. Ireland, BIC
15:00 Vision Technologies Panel
Joao Carlos Frade. Escola Superior Nautica Infante D. Henrique. Portugal, MSTC
André Barbosa. Inklusion Entertainment. Portugal, Startup
Valerie Moreau. Laval Mayenne Technopole. France, BIC
Digitalization and open innovation strategies & policies
15:30 Digitalization and Open Innovation Strategies & Policies
European / National Experts
Eva Pando. IDEPA. DiHUB Asturias
16:30 Closure of the capitalization event