. International Student Exam Contents (link)
• See International students' application calendar (1st, 2nd and 3rd phases) (2021/2022): (link)
NOTICE: Applicants must read carefully FAQ'S documentation before applying.
Don't Forget to include all the necessary documents. After the application is
completed, it cannot be changed.
Who can apply as an international student?
1 - Student who does not have Portuguese nationality.
2 - The following are not covered by the preceding paragraph:
a) Candidates who are nationals of a member state of the European Union;
b) Those who, are not nationals of a member state of the European Union, have
resided legally in Portugal for more than two years, uninterruptedly, on August
31 of the year in which they intend to enter in higher education, as well as
the children who legally reside with them;
c) Those who require admission to higher education, through special access and
admission regimes
d) Foreign students who are attending a Portuguese higher education
institution, as part of an international mobility program.
You can get more information at the following link (link)
Access conditions
1 - International students may apply for admission to undergraduate study
cycles at ENIDH:
a) Holders of a qualification that gives access to higher education, understood
as any diploma or certificate issued by a competent authority, which attests to
the approval of a teaching program and gives them the right to apply and be
able to enter higher education in the country in that was checked;
b) Holders of a Portuguese secondary education diploma or legally equivalent
2 - International students with qualifications who grant the right to apply and
can enter the higher professional technical courses, can apply for admission to
ENIDH professional technical courses (see link)
3 - International students with qualifications who grant the right to apply and
can enter the master's study cycles, can apply for admission to the ENIDH
master's study cycles (see link), and provided they meet the requirements of maritime
certification, when applicable.
You can get more information at the following link (link)
Entry conditions
1 - The entry conditions include, designated and obligatorily:
a) Verification of the specific academic qualification for entering the cycle
of studies;
b) The verification of knowledge of the language or languages in which the
teaching is taught (In this case, the portuguese language);
c) Verification of the satisfaction of the prerequisites that have been set for
the cycle of studies within the scope of the general access and admission
2 - The verification of qualifications and knowledge, referred to in the
previous paragraph, namely with regard to subparagraphs a) and b), is carried
out by documentary evidence or written or oral exams.
You can get more information at the following link (link)
• Physical evidence: (link1) ; (link2) ; (link3) ; (link4)
• Mathematical Tests: (link1) ; (link2) ; (link3) ; (link4) ; (link5)
• International student registration form (link)
• Declaration of honor template (link)
• Regulation of the international student at ENIDH - Escola Superior Náutica
Infante D. Henrique (link)
• Order on tuition fees for the academic year (2022/2023) (international
students) (link)
• Notice: Application fee (link)
For more information send email to (candidaturasenidh@enautica.pt)
• FAQ's - Portuguese (link)
• FAQ's - English (link)
• FAQ's - Spanish (link)
For additional informations send email to: (candidaturasenidh@enautica.pt)
• Master courses (Msc)
• Undergraduate courses (BSc)
Notice: For Navigation, Marine Engineering and Marine Electrotechnical
Engineering BSc courses, it is necessary to have a Group A Prerequisite of
health condition, to be confirmed by a medical declaration, which must be presented
by the candidate at the enrollment and registration.
• Higher Professional Technical Courses (2 years of studies)
Applications are made online at https://netpa.enautica.pt/cssnet/
For additional informations send email to: (candidaturasenidh@enautica.pt)