This service includes:
- Accounting
- Treasury
- Project Management
AccountingTeam- Isabel Branco
- Vanessa Tomás
Main responsibilities- Develop the budget project maps of the Institution, under the guidance of the Management Council;
- Inform processes related to expense realization;
- Ensure the management of financial resources, record their movement, and facilitate authorized payments;
- Organize processes of institutional budget alteration, specifically those concerning fund reinforcement and fund transfers;
- Provide information on processes regarding legality and budget allocation;
- Prepare all accountability documents;
- Organize the institutional financial statement for submission to the competent bodies for review;
Fiscal InformationEscola Superior Naútica Infante D. HenriqueAv. Eng Bonneville Franco 2770-058 Paço de Arcos
NIPC 508 820 111
Contactfinanceiro@enautica.ptTreasuryTeamMain responsibilities- Execute the collection of the Institution's own revenue;
- Receive and record revenue entries;
- Request funds;
- Make authorized payments;
- Provide competent services with indications of revenue entries;
- Prepare and send values for deposit;
- Keep Treasury records updated to verify the accuracy of funds in cash and deposits at any time;
- Control the Institution's petty cash;
Office Hours
Monday - 09:30 AM to 12:00 PM | 02:00 PM to 04:00 PM
Tuesday - 09:30 AM to 12:00 PM | 02:00 PM to 04:00 PM
Wednesday - 09:30 AM to 12:00 PM | Closed in the afternoon
Thursday - 09:30 AM to 12:00 PM | 02:00 PM to 04:00 PM
Friday - 09:30 AM to 12:00 PM | Closed in the afternoon
Payment InformationThe following payment methods are accepted:- MB Real Time Reference (online payments netp@)*
- MBWAY (online payments netp@)*
- Visa (online payments netp@)*
- Bank Transfer**
- Cash
- Education Vouchers
*To make online payments, on your netp@ page, select the payment option in the financial situation to choose the items you want to pay and the desired payment method.
**IBAN PT50 0781 0112 00000004012 63 (Bank transfer payments require sending proof to - only for overdue payments
Project ManagementMain responsibilities- Organize processes related to Institution projects with national and international funding;
- Prepare financial, progress, and final reports for Institution projects;
- Maintain updated information and documentation related to Institution projects;