Marisa Lameiras da Silva, the Director General for Maritime Policy and Maja Markovčić Kostelac, Executive Director at the European Maritime Safety Agency opened the day by introducing the complex discussions this day would bring highlighting the national and European focus on safety in maritime whilst transitioning to alternative fuels.
Key takeaways after presentations of new training programs and safety initiatives.
More and more ships are in operation (and in order) using alternative fuels. This requires new means of monitoring and safety protocols. Due to higher flammability, it is necessary to upgrade fire detection and suppression systems and careful handling procedures to prevent leaks or spills. This emphasises the need for enhanced training of crew and operators.
It remains on ongoing discussion whether skippers' and cadets' time onboard of a vessel can be partially reduced by providing more trainings on simulators with both advocates and critics from maritime institutes, international policy and current seafarers.