On 29 July, the Order of Engineers - Southern Region and the Infante D. Henrique Nautical School (ENIDH) signed a Cooperation Protocol for specialised training.
The President of the Escola Superior Náutica Infante D. Henrique, Vítor Franco Correia, and António Carias de Sousa, President of the Board of Directors of the Southern Region, formalised this collaboration, which will be reflected in the development of actions that will strengthen the recognition of the practice of the profession, and encourage the promotion of training in the fields of maritime activities, with a view to the development, research and updating of this area.
The signing of this Protocol is part of the mission of the Board of Directors of the Southern Region of the OE to establish partnerships that promote proximity to engineering students and schools.
ENIDH Engineering courses recognised by the Order of Engineers:
Degree in Marine Machinery Engineering
Degree in Maritime Electrical Engineering
Degree in Informatics and Computer Engineering