The microcredential in PCB Design and Soldering Techniques aims to equip trainees with basic electronics concepts: integrated circuit encapsulations and main features, design a two-level printed circuit board (PCB) from the electrical schematic phase to physical implementation (layout), carry out electrical, design rule and /ayout vs. schematic checks, and generate the files for manufacture.
The aim is also to provide trainees with fundamental concepts about the soldering process and component repair, and to introduce efficient techniques for perfect soldering.
The course diploma is a level 5 micro-credential, from the European Qualifications Framework, with 1 ECTS (15 contact hours + 12 hours of autonomous work) and a certificate is awarded on passing the assessment activity.
Attendance regimeThe course will take place in person during the post-work period. It is planned to take place in 13 sessions of 1 hour and 2 hours for assessment (written test).
Tuition, fees and emoluments: 100€Notice 1. Tipos de Encapsulamento Through-Hole (1 horas de contacto + 1 horas de trabalho autónomo)
1.1. DIP/DIL (Pacote duplo em linha)
1.2. PDIP/PDIL (Encapsulamento de plástico de linha dupla}
1.3. CDIP/CDIL (Pacote cerâmico de linha dupla)
1.4. HDIP/HDIL (Pacote de Linha Dupla de Calor}
1.5. SDIP/SDIL (Pacote de linha dupla magro}
1.6. SPDIP/SPDIL (Pacote de plástico retrátil de linha dupla) 1.7. SIP/SIL (Encapsulamento de linha única}
1.8. CPGA (Ceramic Pin Grid Array}
2. Surface Mount Encapsulation Types (1 contact hour + 1 autonomous work hour)
2.1 SOIC (Small Outline Integrated Circuit)
2.2 MSOP (Mini Small-Outline Package)
2.3 SSOP (Shrink Small-Outline Package)
2.4 QSOP (Quarter-size Small Outline Package)
2.5. HSOP (Heat Small Outline Integrated Circuit}
2.6 TSOP (Thin Small-Outline Package)
2.7. TSSOP (Thin-Shrink Small-Outline Package)
2.8. QFP (Quad Flat Package)
2.9. Exposed Pad (Variant of Small Outline Packages)
2.10. PLCC (Plastic Leadless Chip Carrier}
3. PCB Electrical Schematic Design (3 contact hours + 3 hours of autonomous work)
3.3 SMD Types and Dimensions (0402, 0603 and 0805)
3.4 Generic Models and Technology Models
3.5 Wires, Busbars and Labels
3.6 Local Nodes and Global Nodes
3.7 Checking Electrical Rules
4. PCB Layout Project (5 contact hours + 5 hours of autonomous work)
4.5 Navigation between tracks
4.6 Track Diameter and Width
4.7. Obstacle Contouring and Filling
4.8 Top and Bottom Layers
4.9 Checking Design Rules
4.10. Gerber Files and Masks
4.11 Radio Frequency Topics
4.11.1 Angles and Reflection
4.11.2 Capacities between Tracks
4.11.3 Resistance Minimisation
4.11.4 Capacity Minimisation
4.11.5 Induction Minimisation
4.11.6 Mass Plane and Electrostatic Balance
5.Soldering Techniques on PCBs (3 contact hours + 2 hours of autonomous work)
5.3 Flux Preparation and Application
5.4 Properties of Copper, Aluminium and Gold
5.5 Temperature Adjustment
5.8 Repairing with Pick-up Mesh/Soldering
5.9 Hot Air Blast Welding and Repair
5.10. Soldering with Putty
Applications must be
made online by the specified deadlines.
Each candidate must complete the application form and attach the following documents:
a. Scanned photocopy of identification document (ID card or passport)
b. Proof of degree qualification, if available.
ENIDH reserves the right to request the submission of additional documentation for the Jury's assessment of the application.
Admission criteriaThose aged 18 or over may apply to attend the micro-credential. If the admission criteria are met, selection will take place in order of enrolment.