Vibration analysis diagnostic techniques make it possible to reduce maintenance costs by preventing interruptions or breakdowns in a wide range of equipment.
Vibration analysis is a robust and proven technique which, by detecting anomalies or developing faults, makes it possible to anticipate breakdowns or validate the need to carry out predetermined (preventive) operations or corrective interventions. It requires a comprehensive and precise approach, based on a systematic and structured characterisation of equipment and operations with supporting mathematical models and appropriate standards.
This microcredential aims to present and characterise the fundamentals of vibration analysis diagnostic techniques, as well as how to materialise them into inspection plans. From this perspective, the most common operating faults and irregularities and the methodologies for assessing and validating them are presented.
The course is organised as a level 5 microcredential in the European Qualifications Framework, with 4 ECTS (45 contact hours) and will award a certificate upon passing the assessment activity.
Attendance RegimeThe course will take place in person during the post-work period. It is planned to take place in 11 sessions of 4 hours and 1 hour for assessment (written test).
Tuition, Fees and Emoluments: 370€Notice Applications must be
made online by the specified deadlines.
Each candidate must complete the application form and attach the following documents:
a. Scanned photocopy of identification document (ID card or passport)
b. Proof of degree qualification, if available.
ENIDH reserves the right to request the submission of additional documentation for the Jury's assessment of the application.
Admission CriteriaHolders of a university degree in the fields of mechanical, electrical or electronic engineering may apply to attend the micro-credential.
Engineering professionals with proven professional experience in the microcredential's area of intervention.