ENIDH is a partner of ISQ in the development of PBDH Work Package 7 activities.
Objectives of Work Package 7 (WP7):
- Identify skills needs and training profiles in the maritime sector (Task 7.1);
- Ensure the implementation of a digital platform with training to support the digital and green transition of SMEs and public sector organisations in the blue economy (Task 7.2);
- Promote the qualification and training of seafarers in digital skills in accordance with the STCW Convention, to reflect their inclusion in ANQEP's National Qualifications Catalogue (Task 7.3);
The project has a total investment of €5.89 million, corresponding to financial support in the form of a non-refundable incentive totalling €4.45 million.
ENIDH has a total value of €99,244, corresponding to financial support of €74,433.